Landscaping and Views
The site and surrounding area is characterised by fairly flat, low-lying farmland surrounded by significant boundary hedging and tree screening. To create a well-landscaped and visually sensitive development we propose the retention and reinforcement of all of the boundary hedgerows with additional planting to provide visual screening. Proposed planting will include native species to enhance green infrastructure to benefit wildlife and future residents.
The site benefits from a strong existing tree belt along its Northern boundary. Noise assessments have been undertaken and a strategic acoustic fence / barrier is not required along this boundary, thereby retaining an important landscape feature.
A landscape-led approach will protect and enhance the mature trees, hedgerows and visual character of the area, creating short and long views whilst being sensitive to the wider edge of village location.
Nicholas King Homes site at Waters Edge, Mtychett, Surrey
The tallest buildings (maximum of 2.5 storeys) will be situated along the northern edge of the site and focused around a village green where the enhanced treeline and hedgerows will reduce the visual impact of the new homes for existing properties.
The site is relatively flat, gradually falling from its North western corner adjacent to the junction from the A420 to the South eastern corner. Therefore, the positioning of open spaces and the layout will sensitively reflect the level changes across the site.
Contact Us
If you have any queries, please contact Edward Poynton of SP Broadway via