Our Proposed Masterplan
The image below shows our illustrative masterplan for up to 249 homes and 35% affordable homes with associated landscaping, open space and community facilities. The illustrative masterplan has been informed by detailed technical surveys and has evolved following formal pre-application engagement with Vale of White Horse Council and the Oxfordshire County Council.
Illustrative Masterplan
We would be interested to receive your comments on the illustrative masterplan which includes:
- The delivery of up to 249 new homes by Nicholas King Homes at a scale appropriate for the village of Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor
- 87 affordable homes (35%)
- Two access points along Spring Hill
- A Local Area of Play (LAP) and Locally Equipped Area of Play (LEAP)
- Provision of public open space to serve new and existing
residents of the village. This could include youth provision and community allotments
The illustrative outline masterplan layout sets out a wide range of different unit types, catering for the needs of a variety of people with a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes.
Illustrative Masterplan in the context of Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor
The below Land Use Plan / Parameter Plan will be submitted as part of the outline planning application and would then establish the residential parcels on the site, the detail of which would be agreed through a subsequent Reserved Matters application (to agree details of appearance, scale, layout and landscaping).
Land Use Plan / Parameter Plan
Technical assessments will be submitted alongside the planning application which include:
- Noise Assessment
- Transport Assessment (plus Travel Plan)
- Flood Risk Assessment and Sustainable Drainage Strategy
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisal & Species Specific Survey Reports
- Biodiversity Impact Assessment
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
- Tree Survey
- Air Quality Assessment
- Energy Statement
- Geoenvironmental Report
- Archaeology Assessment
Contact Us
If you have any queries, please contact Edward Poynton of SP Broadway via edward@spbroadway.com